Fashion & Retail – Importance of Blogging

Blogging has become an increasingly important aspect within the fashion and retail industry. From fashionista’s posting their daily #OOTD glamour shots, to fashion and retail brands adopting brand blogs, blogging creates the opportunity for storytelling and content curation beyond a static website, such as an e-commerce platform.

3 recommendations that could help fashion and retail companies leverage the power of blogging:

  1. Leverage other channels to drive blog traffic – while creating the blog or adding content is simple enough, brand blogs are often underpromoted or buried within the website. A brand can create brilliant content or hire the best guest bloggers, but customers need to be aware the blog even exists. Leveraging existing social media channels, e-newsletter, and website to link back to the blog is key to increasing blog awareness.
  2. Blogger partnerships – The influential power of bloggers have lead to the creation of companies, such as Wanderlust Management, which liaison between online personalities and brand partnerships. Brands now understand the importance of tapping into bloggers and their loyal followings to attract new customers.
  3. Offering value not just sales tactic – Blogging has become a win-win for both the brand and shopper. Brands interject more personality, the point-of-view of one of multiple bloggers, and a conversational dialogue with their customer all while offering fashion advice and value. Customers can interact with brands in easy to digest blog articles and access a variety of content which may not be show on the brand website (eg. behind the scenes, “how to” articles, top 10 lists, etc). Blogs have allowed brands to take the position of a less corporate sales pitch, and more of “a best friend suggesting items”.

What are some of your favourite fashion brand blogs?
